Saturday, February 9, 2008

About Me - Answering your Request!

I have been asked by several readers to write a little more about myself, so this is going to digress from real estate somewhat and cover that. If you could see a picture of me,- you'd see all the typical lines and wrinkles associated with someone who has waved goodbye to 50 a while ago. We all hear things like 60 is the new 40 or some such thing and in some respect I believe that. Of course, it might just be our own view of the world, after all, when I was very young, I thought 30 was pretty much the end of the line! Being among the Baby Boomer generation, it is great to see how active my generation still is.

Maybe even more fun to write about is the fact that I am friends with my grown daughters - not just friendly "mother/daughter" stuff, but really friends. We go out together, we laugh together, last year my middle daughter and I took a cruise to Hawaii for a week with my youngest daughter convinced only one of us was going to make it home (insinuating that we would wind up killing each other after spending a week in such close quarters). Not only was that not the case, but this year we are planning a two week cruise in Europe! Neither of us are "beach" people, we both love to sightsee, we enjoy hitting the happy hours for Cosmos, we both read voraciously late at night, and we never missed a trivia game on board if we weren't out galavanting around the countryside. In fact, we left the ship undefeated trivia champions, having won every contest we entered and came home with 14 Beach Bags (they were obviously giving them as prizes) which we gladly gave to friends and family.

I have three grown daughters, I have been divorced for 15 years. All of my daughters are married - my oldest has a 9 year old daughter, my travelling partner has an 18 year old son and a 6 year old son - my baby is expecting her first child in April! Being the devoted family that we are, we planned our two week cruise for the end of May so that we'd at least be here for the event and a reasonable followup :)

My girls are all friendly, intelligent, kind people with very caustic senses of humor (chips off the old block). Growing up with a single mom doesn't seem to have created much trauma. I, obviously, am very proud of them and enjoy all of our time together!

I intend to continue working for at least another 7 or 8 years, I intend to continue travelling, I intend to sell my own home and downsize a little bit, and I intend to lose another 10 pounds - hope my intentions come to pass!

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